Lesson 16 A polite request英語對話,新概念英語第二冊,英語Lesson 16 A polite request對白,Lesson 16 A polite request英文怎麽說



Lesson 16 A polite request用英語怎麽說


Lesson 16 A polite request

1 . However, this does not always happen.然而,情況並不都是這樣,

2 . You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket.如果他沒給你罰單就放你走了,算你走運。

3 . If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it.一旦你把汽車停錯了地方,交通警很快就會發現。

4 . This note is only a reminder.謹此提請注意。

5 . This is a No Parking area.此處是『禁止停車』區。

6 . You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs.如果您對我們街上的標牌稍加注意,您在此會過得很愉快的。

7 . During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: 'sir, we welcome you to our city.「先生,歡迎您光臨我們的城市。

8 . Traffic police are sometimes very polite.交通警有時也很客氣。

9 . ' If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!」如果你收到這樣的懇求,你是不會不遵照執行的!

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