1 . I don't like to sponge.我不想老蹭別人的東西。
2 . Can you spot me a 20?你能借我二十元嗎?
3 . Can you spare some cash?你能借我點現金嗎?
4 . Can I use your car for a couple of hours?我們能借你的車用幾個小時嗎?
5 . I hate owing people.我不想欠別人的。
6 . I think I can swing that.我想我能辦到這點。
7 . Can you give me a loan?你能借我點錢嗎?
8 . How much do you need?你需要多少錢?
9 . I'd like to borrow some money from you.我想向你借點錢。
10 . Could I bum some money off of you?我能先從你那借點錢嗎?