





1 . If you have time around Christmas, please come to visit my family.如果你聖誕節前後有空,歡迎到我家來玩。

2 . Here's something for you.這有東西送你。

3 . I want to thank you for placing such a big order with us. You won't be disappointed.謝謝你下了這麼大的訂單,你一定不會失望的。

4 . Take care, and have a nice flight.請保重!祝你一路順風!

5 . You do the same. Well, I'd better go. Thanks again for everything.你也代我問候一聲。好,我得走了,再次謝謝你們的招待。

6 . Thank you for taking care of me here.多謝您的周到招待。

7 . Yes, that's right. They'll be there in no time.沒錯,貨很快就會運到。

8 . Take care on your way back.回程保重了。

9 . And I'd like to give you a little something to take home. Let me unroll it.對了,我有樣小東西想送你,讓我把它打開。

10 . No, it's an original. My father's friend is a calligrapher, and I had him make it for you.沒錯,這可是真跡。我父親的朋友是書法家,專門幫你寫的。

11 . Have a safe trip back.祝您平安返家。

12 . I know you must be excited to go home after such a long business trip.出差這麼久,終於要回家了,我想你一定很高興。

13 . Good. Tell Mr. Gao at the factory to keep up the good work.很好,請告訴工廠的高先生繼續努力。

14 . I am sure. So, we'll be expecting the first shipment in less than a month.那當然。我們都希望第一批貨在一個月之內可以裝船。

15 . I really appreciate all of your hospitality.十分感謝您的款待。

16 . I'm sure I won't. I really appreciate all of your hospitality.這點我相信。我真的很感激你的招待。

17 . I'll hang it in my office. But I feel bad I didn't get you anything.我要把它掛在辦公室。不過,真不好意思,我什麼也沒送你。

18 . That's very nice of you. Where did you get it? It's not a print.真細心!你從哪兒弄來的?這還不是複製的呢!

19 . They mean long life. I remember you liked the calligraphy at the Palace Museum.長命百歲。我記得上次去故宮,你特別喜歡書法。

20 . Thanks for the invitation. And please give my regards to your wife.謝謝你的邀請。請代我問候貴夫人。

21 . Have a nice flight.祝您一路順風。

22 . This is beautiful! Chinese calligraphy. What do these characters mean?好漂亮!是中國書法!這上面寫的是什麼意思?

23 . And his name and the date are on the bottom.他的名字和日期都在下面。

24 . Please accept these gifts with my thanks.請接受這些禮物以表達我的謝意。

25 . We hope so! It's always good to work with you, Tom.希望如此!湯姆,和你們合作總是很愉快。

26 . Don't worry about it. It's a taken of my appreciation for your business, and friendship.沒關係的。這是向你表示我們在生意及友誼上的一點心意。

27 . I think all the products are going to sell very well.我相信這批貨一定會賣得很好。

28 . So I thought you might like it.所以,我想你可能會喜歡這個。

29 . All my bags are checked in. I guess I'm all set to go.我的行李都檢查完了,看來我可以走了。

30 . And I'll be able to show you around our city.我可以帶你在我們那兒四處看看。

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