1 . This is Susan with Jiaotong University student. May I have your name, sir?我是交通大學的在校生蘇珊,請問您貴姓?
2 . Hello. This is a representative of Zhongyou Department Store.喂,您好。我是中友百貨的。
3 . Oh. Your offer sounds interesting.哦,您所給的優惠聽起來蠻吸引人的。
4 . May I speak to the head of the household?我可以請戶主聽電話嗎?
5 . I am sorry. I am not free right now.對不起,我現在很忙。
6 . Sir, this offer will expire this week.先生,這次特價這個禮拜就結束了。
7 . Great. I believe you must care for his educations.太好了。我相信你肯定很關心他的教育吧。
8 . I would like to tell you more about it.我很樂意向你說得更詳細一點。
9 . Mr. Lu, we are very pleased to be able to offer this product to you.陸先生,我們很高興能提供這個產品給您。
10 . May I ask who I am talking to?請問你是誰?
11 . Sir, everything now is offered with a great discount.先生,所有的東西都在打很大的折扣。
12 . Let me give you more detail.讓我來詳細說明。
13 . May I ask who's calling?請問你是誰?
14 . We are running a special offer on this holiday.我們在這個假期有個特價優惠。
15 . Excuse me, Mr. Li. Do you have children, Mr. Li?打攪了,李先生。您有孩子嗎?
16 . Maybe you read our ads in the newspaper.也許你在報紙上看過我們的廣告。
17 . And plus, if you are not completely satisfied, you can return it to us.並且,如果您不是百分百的滿意,你可以將產品退還給我們。
18 . I am calling for the A company.我是代表A公司打電話來的。
19 . Maybe you saw our commercials on TV.也許你在電視上看過我們的廣告。
20 . This is Wang with China Bank.我是中國銀行的王先生。
21 . This is the last chance you can get up to 60 percent discount.這是您可以得到6折的最後機會。
22 . You might want to know more about it.我想你肯定想多瞭解點吧。
23 . I am a representative of Politics Association.我是政治協會的代表。
24 . Would you please repeat your offer again?能否再說一遍您的優惠?
25 . We will help your children in learning lessons in their free time.我們可以幫助您的孩子在他們空閒時學習功課。
26 . I am calling on behalf of the Private Teacher Company.我代表家教公司給您打電話。
27 . I am sure you would like to know more about it.我相信您一定想知道詳情。
28 . You probably heard about it. We have private teachers in our holiday.或許你已經聽說過。我們交大的學生在假期間做家教。
29 . So, it's virtually risk-free for you.所以,事實上對您而言,是完全沒有風險的。
30 . Yes. This product will save you a lot of money and time.是的。這個產品可為你節省很多的錢和時間。