男女之間 - 額外成就感(五)
1 . Has he made it up with her yet?他和她和好了嗎?
2 . The more depressed he got, the more he turned to drink.他越是情緒低落就越是借酒消愁。
3 . I see him on the train every day but we are not on speaking terms.我每天都在火車上見到他,但彼此沒有說過話。
4 . I turned to him for advice.我請求他提供高見。
5 . You can't take her promises seriously, she never keeps her word.她答應的事不用當真,她說話從來不算數。
6 . She is devoted to her children.她深愛她的孩子。
7 . He devoted his life to promoting world peace.他一生致力於促進世界和平。
8 . She has nobody she can turn to.她求助無門。
9 . Have they made it up yet?他們和好了嗎?
10 . We are on good terms with each other.我們彼此交情好。
11 . They quarreled with each other but soon made up.他們吵了一架,但很快就言歸於好。