Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs
1 . Before returning home at night.He took a shower and changed back into his suit.晚上回家前,他洗個淋浴,重新換上那身黑色西服。
2 . Alf did this for over two years and his fellow dustmen kept his secret Alf's wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job.兩年多以來,艾爾弗一直這樣,他的同事也為他保守秘密。 艾爾弗的妻子一直不知道她嫁給了一個清潔工,而且她永遠也不會知道了,因為艾爾弗已找到薪職,
3 . but he feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money.不過他覺得,地位升高了,損失點兒錢也值得。
4 . From now on, he will wear a suit all day and others will call him 'Mr.Bloggs', not 'Alf'.從此,艾爾弗可以一天到晚穿西服了。別人將稱呼他為「布洛格斯先生」,而不再叫他「艾爾弗」了。
5 . Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.許多人常常情願放棄較高的薪水以換取做白領工人的殊榮,此乃人之常情。
6 . When he got married, Alf was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job.艾爾弗結婚時,感到非常難為情,而沒有將自己的職業告訴妻子。
7 . He then changed into overalls and spent the next eight hours as a dustman.然後換上工作服,當8個小時清潔工。
8 . People who work in offices are frequently referred to as white-collar workers' for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work.坐辦公室的之所以常常被稱作「白領工人」,就是因為他們通常是穿著硬領白襯衫,繫著領帶去上班。
9 . He will be earning only half as much as he used to,他將來掙的錢只有他現在的一半。
10 . He will soon be working in an office.不久就要坐辦公室裡工作了。
11 . Every morning, he left home dressed in a smart black suit.每天早晨,他穿上一身漂亮的黑色西裝離家上班,
12 . He simply told her that he worked for the Corporation.他只說在埃爾斯米爾公司上班。
13 . This can give rise to curious situations, as it did in the case of Alfred Bloggs who worked as a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation.而這常常會引起種種奇怪的現象,在埃爾斯米爾公司當清潔工的艾爾弗雷德。布洛斯就是一個例子。
14 . These days, people who do manual work often receive far more money than people who work in offices.如今,從事體力勞動的人的收入一般要比坐辦公室的人高出許多。