句子就是一切 - 經典好句子(一)
1 . But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope.只有今天好好地生活,昨天才會變成幸福的回憶,明天才會成為希望的憧憬。
2 . The sight of such a beautiful girl took Tony's breath away.看到如此美麗的女孩,他目瞪口呆。
3 . I see your point, but I still can't agree with you.我明白你的意思,但我還是不能同意。
4 . He might have been held up in a traffic jam.他可能因交通阻塞而耽擱了。
5 . Have you ever thought about becoming a professional musician?你曾經想過要成為職業音樂家嗎?
6 . There have been many ups and downs in our marriage, but we still love each other.我們的婚姻有很多坎坷,但我們依舊相愛。
7 . I'll finish my work in no time, and then we're going to have a nice dinner together, OK?我馬上就完成工作了,然後我們一起去好好吃頓飯,怎麼樣?
8 . How are you today?今天還好嗎?
9 . How do you spend your leisure time?你怎樣打發業餘時間?
10 . You will learn to like it.你會喜歡它的。
11 . He lacks the necessary experience.他缺乏必要的經驗。
12 . After all, laughter is the best medicine.畢竟,笑是解愁良藥。
13 . When you're down and blue, go to a comedy.你灰心喪氣的時候,去看看喜劇。