Lesson 11 Not guilty英語對話,新概念英語第三冊,英語Lesson 11 Not guilty對白,Lesson 11 Not guilty英文怎麽說



Lesson 11 Not guilty用英語怎麽說


Lesson 11 Not guilty

1 . I felt sure I would never be able to close the case again.我相信那箱子再也關不上了。

2 . Customs Officers are quite tolerant these days,現在的海關官員往往相當寬容。

3 . As I expected, he did not believe me.'Try it!' I said encouragingly.「你就聞一聞吧!」我催促說。

4 . Then I added with a smile,我微笑地接著說,

5 . Perfume is not exempt from import duty.'香水要上進口稅的。」

6 . He had spotted a tiny bottle at the bottom of my case and he pounced on it with delight.他在我的箱底發現了一隻小瓶,高興地一把抓了起來。

7 . 'Have you anything to declare?' he asked, looking me in the eye.「您有什麼需要申報的嗎?」他直盯著我的眼睛問。

8 . A few minutes later, I was able to hurry away with precious chalk marks on my baggage.幾分鐘後,我終於被放行,手提劃著寶貴的粉筆記號的行李,匆匆離去。

9 . but they can still stop you when you are going through the Green Channel and have nothing to declare.但是,當你通過綠色通道,沒有任何東西需要申報時,他們仍可以攔住你。

10 . He was greeted by an unpleasant smell which convinced him that I was telling the truth.一股怪味襲來,使他相信了我說的真話。

11 . The Officer went through the case with great care.那位官員十分仔細地把箱子檢查了一遍。

12 . Suddenly, I saw the Officer's face light up.突然,我看到官員臉上露出了得意的神色。

13 . Even really honest people are often made to feel guilty.甚至是最誠實的人也常弄得覺得有罪似的,

14 . When I returned form abroad recently, a particularly officious young Customs Officer clearly regarded me as a smuggler.最近一次,我也出國歸來,碰上一位特別好管閒事的年輕海關官員,他顯然把我當成走私犯。

15 . The hardened professional smuggler, on the other hand, is never troubled by such feelings, even if he has five hundred gold watches hidden in his suitcase.而老練的職業走私犯卻使手提箱裡藏著500只金錶,卻也處之泰然。

16 . All the thing I had packed so carefully were soon in a dreadful mess.所有細心包裝好的東西一會兒工夫就亂成一團。

17 . 'Perfume, eh?' he asked sarcastically.「香水,嗯?」他譏諷地說道,

18 . 'No', I answered confidently.「沒有。」我自信地回答說。

19 . 'It's a strange mixture I make myself. '「這是一種我自己配製的奇特的混合物。」

20 . 'Not at all,' I answered.「好的。」我回答說。

21 . 'Would you mind unlocking this suitcase please?'「請打開這隻手提箱好嗎?」

22 . 'But it isn't perfume,' I said.'It's hair gel. '「不,這不是香水,」我說,「是發膠。

23 . The officer unscrewed the cap and put the bottle to his nostrils.海關官員擰開瓶蓋,把瓶子放到鼻子底下。

24 . 'You should have declared that.「你剛才應該申報,

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