To Run And To Chase(逃的人,追的人)英語對話,天天一起練口語,英語To Run And To Chase(逃的人,追的人)對白,To Run And To Chase(逃的人,追的人)英文怎麽說



To Run And To Chase(逃的人,追的人)用英語怎麽說


To Run And To Chase(逃的人,追的人)

1 . Stop in the name of the law.以法律的名義命令停下。

2 . Are you kidding?你是開玩笑吧?

3 . Bet you can't catch me.打賭你無法捉到我。

4 . To follow her naughty brother追趕頑皮刁鑽的弟弟

5 . My delicious dinner won't get away.可不能讓到嘴的佳餚逃走了。

6 . To run away from his sister從他姐姐那兒逃走

7 . To top others脫穎而出;獲得第一

8 . To escape from the policeman從警察手下逃亡

9 . The computer is going to kill me.我快要被電腦逼死了。

10 . The missile is in pursuit of the jet.導彈追趕著噴氣機。

11 . Put your pants on.穿上你的褲子。

12 . To run for freedom為求自由而逃跑

13 . To try to get rid of the lady想擺脫那個女人

14 . Come back here, you brat!回來,你這臭傢伙!

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