Lesson 39 Nothing to worry about英語對話,新概念英語第三冊,英語Lesson 39 Nothing to worry about對白,Lesson 39 Nothing to worry about英文怎麽說



Lesson 39 Nothing to worry about用英語怎麽說


Lesson 39 Nothing to worry about

1 . Just ahead of us there was a huge fissure.離我們不遠處,出現一個大裂縫。

2 . Glancing at his map, he informed us that the next village was a mere twenty miles away.他瞥了一眼地圖,告訴我們前面再走不到20英里就是一個村莊。

3 . It was not that Bruce always underestimated difficulties.這並不是說布魯斯總是低估困難,

4 . We informed him that the fissure extended for fifty years and was tow feet wide and four feet deep.我們告訴他那個大裂縫長50碼,寬2英尺,深4英尺。

5 . What a relief it was when the boulders suddenly disappeared, giving way to a stretch of plain where the only obstacles were clumps of bushes.突然大石塊不見了,前面是一片平地,唯一的障礙只有一簇簇灌木叢。這使我們長長地鬆了口氣。

6 . Before we had time to worry about what might happen, we were back on the plain again.我們還未來得及擔心後果,車已重新開上了平地。

7 . Bruce went into a low gear and drove at a terrifying speed, keeping the front wheels astride the crack as he followed its zigzag course.布魯斯掛上慢檔,把兩隻前輪分別擱在裂縫的兩邊,順著彎彎曲曲的裂縫,以發瘋的速度向前開去。

8 . He simply had no sense of danger at all.而是他壓根兒沒有一點兒危險感。

9 . We felt sure that sooner or later a stone would rip a hole in our petrol tank or damage the engine.我們想念遲早會飛起一個石塊把油箱砸開一個窟窿,或者把發動機砸壞。

10 . But there was worse to come.但是更糟糕的事情在等著我們,

11 . In response to renewed pleadings, Bruce stopped.我們再次央求布魯斯小心,他這才把車停了下來。

12 . Even this had no effect.這也沒有對他產生任何影響。

13 . Our next obstacle was a shallow pool of water about half a mile across.下一個障礙是一片約半英里寬的淺水塘。

14 . Bruce consulted the map once more and told us that the village was now only fifteen miles away.布魯斯又看了一眼地圖,告訴我們那座村莊離我們只有15英里了。

15 . Though we all got out to examine the fissure, he remained in the car.我們紛紛下車察看那個大裂縫,他卻呆在車上。

16 . Bruce charged at it, but in the middle, the car came to a grinding half.布魯斯向水塘衝去,但車開到水塘當中,嘎吱一聲停住了。

17 . The rough across the plain soon became so bad that we tried to get Bruce to drive back to the village we had come from.穿越平原的道路高低不平,開車走了不遠,路面愈加崎嶇。我們想勸說布魯斯把車開回我們出發的那個村莊去。

18 . As we bumped over eh dusty track, we swerved to avoid large boulders.我們在塵士飛揚的道路上顛簸,車子東拐西彎,以躲開那些大圓石。

19 . Even though the road was littered with boulders and pitted with holes, Bruce was not in the least perturbed.儘管路面佈滿石頭,坑坑窪窪,但布魯斯卻一點兒不慌亂。

20 . A yellow light on the dashboard flashed angrily and Bruce cheerfully announced that there was no oil in the engine!儀表盤一盞黃燈閃著刺眼的光芒,布魯斯興致勃勃地宣佈發動機裡沒油了!

21 . Because of this, we kept looking back, wondering if we were leaving a trail of oil and petrol behind us.因此,我們不時地掉過頭,懷疑車後是否留下了機油和汽油的痕跡。

22 . No matter what the conditions were, he believed that a car should be driven as fast as it could possibly go.他認為不管路面情況如何,車必須以最高速度前進。

23 . The wheels scooped up stones which hammered ominously under the car.車輪攪起的石塊錘擊車身,發出不祥的錘擊聲。

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