Lesson 38 The first calender英語對話,新概念英語第三冊,英語Lesson 38 The first calender對白,Lesson 38 The first calender英文怎麽說



Lesson 38 The first calender用英語怎麽說


Lesson 38 The first calender

1 . They have found that it is connected with the passage of days and the phases of the moon.他們發現代碼與晝夜更迭和月亮圓缺有關,

2 . It is possible that there is a definite relation between these paintings and the markings that sometimes accompany them.有時,這種圖畫與牆壁上的刻痕共存,它們之間可能有一定的聯繫。

3 . It is, in fact, a primitive type of calendar.事實上是一種最原始的日曆。

4 . They had a definite meaning, for they were as near as early man could get to writing.它們有著一定的含義,因為它們已接近古代人的文字形式。

5 . The nomads who made these markings lived by hunting and fishing during the last Ice Age which began about 35,000 B.C.and ended about 10,000 B.C.這些痕跡是遊牧人留下的,他們生活在從公元前約35,000年到公元前10,000年的冰川期的末期,以狩獵、捕魚為生。

6 . It has long been known that the hunting scenes depicted on walls were not simply a form of artistic expression.大家早就知道,畫在牆上的狩獵圖景並不是單純的藝術表現形式,

7 . Future historians will be in a unique position when they come to record the history of our own times.未來的歷史學家在寫我們這一段歷史的時候會別具一格。

8 . By correlating markings made in various parts of the world, historians have been able to read this difficult code.歷史學家通過把世界各地留下的這種痕跡放在一起研究,終於弄懂了這種費解的代碼。

9 . Films, videos, CDs and CD-ROMS are just some of the bewildering amount of information they will have.電影、錄像、光盤和光盤驅動器只是能為他們提供令人眼花繚亂的大量信息的幾種手段。

10 . They will hardly know which facts to select from the great mass of evidence that steadily accumulates.對於逐漸積累起來的龐大材料,他們幾乎不知道選取哪些好,

11 . He has to deduce what he can from the few scanty clues available.他們必須根據現有的不充分的線索進行推理。

12 . What is more, they will not have to rely solely on the written word.而且,也不必完全依賴文字材料。

13 . It seems that man was making a real effort to understand the seasons 20,000 years earlier than has been supposed.看來人類早就致力於探索四季變遷了,比人們想像的要早20,000年。

14 . Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture, for then man was faced with a real need to understand something about the seasons.歷史學家迄今認為日曆是隨農業的問世而出現的,因為當時人們面臨著瞭解四季的實際需要,

15 . Recent scientific evidence seems to indicate that this assumption is incorrect.但近期科學研究發現,好像這種假設是不正確的。

16 . Even seemingly insignificant remains can shed interesting light on the history of early man.即使看起來微不足道的遺物,也可能揭示人類早期歷史的一些有趣的內容。

17 . But the historian attempting to reconstruct the distant past is always faced with a difficult task.但是,歷史學家企圖重現遙遠的過去可是一項艱巨的任務,

18 . Historians have long been puzzled by dots, lines and symbols which have been engraved on walls, bones, and the ivory tusks of mammoths.長期以來,歷史學家一直對雕刻在牆壁上、骨頭上、古代長毛象的象牙上的點、線和形形色色的符號感到困惑不解。

19 . They will be able, as it were, to see and hear us in action.他們能夠身臨其境般地觀看我們做事,傾聽我們講話。

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