Lesson 38 Water and the traveller
1 . tap water that is too hot to touch can be left to cool and is generally safe to drink.水管中流出的燙手的水可以留下來冷卻。這種水一般是安全的。
2 . below 20 per cent, its bactericidal action is negligible.濃度低於20%時,殺菌能力基本上就不存在了。
3 . Even if a piped water supply is safe at its source,既使管道供水系統在水源處是安全的,
4 . Ethanol is more effective at a concentration of 50-70 percent;乙醇的濃度為50%至70%時比較有效,
5 . Drinks can be cooled by placing them on ice rather than adding ice to them.可以把飲料置於冰塊之上來冷卻,而不是把冰塊加進飲料之中。
6 . international standards of water treatment are usually followed at bottling plants.裝瓶廠通常遵循國際水處理的標準。
7 . Travellers on short trips to areas with water supplies of uncertain quality should avoid drinking tapwater, or untreated water from any other source.短途旅行到水質不保險的地區時,應避免飲用水龍頭的水或未經處理任何其他來源的水。
8 . Intermittent tap-water supplies should be regarded as particularly suspect.斷斷續續的水管應該被視為是非常可疑的。
9 . and should not be put in drinks unless it is known to be safe.只有知道冰塊安全時才能加入飲料。
10 . Beware of methylated alcohol, which is very poisonous,要提防甲基化酒精,那是劇毒的,
11 . Boiling is always a good way of treating water.燒開一直是水處理的一種好辦法。
12 . Alcohol may be a medical disinfectant, but should not be relied upon to sterilize water.酒精可能是醫學上的消毒劑,但決不可用來消毒飲用水。
13 . and that their rims are clean and dry.瓶口清潔乾燥。
14 . Carbonated drinks are acidic, and slightly safer.碳酸飲料是酸性的,就更安全一些。
15 . and should never be added to drinking water.永遠不能摻入飲用水。
16 . If no other sate water supply can be obtained,如果沒有其他安全的飲用水,
17 . Make sure that all bottles are opened in your presence,確保瓶子是當著你的面開啟的,
18 . Those planning a trip to remote areas, or intending to live in countries where drinking water is not readily available, should know about the various possible methods for making water safe.那些計劃去偏遠地區旅行,或在飲用水不現成的國家居住的人,應該知道如何使水適於飲用的各種辦法。
19 . It is best to keep to hot drinks, bottled or canned drinks of well-known brand names----最好僅飲用開水,名牌瓶裝或罐裝水
20 . Spirits labelled 95 proof contain only about 47 percent alcohol.強度標為95的酒中含47%的酒精。
21 . it is not always safe by the time it reaches the tap.等水到達龍頭時就不一定總是安全的了。
22 . Ice is only as safe as the water from which it is made,冰塊只有當製造冰塊的水安全時才是保險的,
23 . Some hotels supply boiled water on request and this can be used for drinking, or for brushing teeth.有的酒店根據要求可提供開水,這些開水可用於飲用和刷牙。
24 . Portable boiling elements that can boil small quantities of water are useful when the right voltage of electricity is available.如果有相配的電壓,可以煮少量水的便攜式熱水裝置是有用的。
25 . Refuse politely any cold drink from an unknown source.應謝絕任何不明來源的冷飲。