1 . We'll need all our orders packed that way from now on.今後我們所有的貨都要照樣包裝。
2 . We're prepared for that.我們已有準備了。
3 . We need this order packed in a special way. We know it is fragile.這次的貨需要特別的包裝。 我們知道它容易破碎。
4 . Do you think you can follow our specifications for packing?就照我們的指定方式裝箱,沒問題吧。
5 . We're about ready to ship your order.你們的貨我們差不多準備在發送了。
6 . We're getting the order out now.我們現在要出貨了
7 . Then we can do it for you.那就照你的意思做。
8 . good.take care with the order, will you?很好,那就麻煩你們多操心了。
9 . Have you seen our new packing specifications?你看過我們新的包裝指示了沒有?
10 . Did you get our packing specifications?你收到我們的裝箱說明書了嗎?
11 . They will add a couple of days to our shipping date.那要多個二、三天才能出貨哦。
12 . We can handle that for you with no problem.沒問題,我們會照你的指定的方式去做。
13 . Yes, I'm looking at them right now.收到了,現在正在看。
14 . Yes.please be careful when you send it out.是的,出貨時請小心些。