Unit 12 Mainly Revision
1 . It was orange and blue.魚身呈橙藍色。
2 . Yes, you need to get some underwater plants.是的,你還需要弄一些水下植物。
3 . And you ought to get a few large rocks to put in the tank.還有,你應該弄到幾塊大點兒的岩石,放進水箱裡。
4 . Where would you keep them?你把魚放在什麼地方?
5 . Fish love swimming round the rocks and through holes in them.魚喜歡繞著岩石和穿石洞游水。
6 . Check the prices before you decide whether to buy one.先把價格核對一下,再決定該不該買。
7 . I think you should get a tank if you want to keep fish.我看你要是真想養魚的話,就該找個水箱。
8 . They don't get enough air.(那樣)魚得不到充足的空氣。
9 . I'm thinking of buying some next Sunday.我打算下星期天去買幾條。
10 . I suggest we go shopping together and look for a nice tank.我建議我們一塊去買,找個好看的水箱。
11 . That might be quite expensive.那花錢可就多啦。
12 . We need to find one about 30 centimetres(cm) by 30 cm by 50 cm.我們需要找一隻尺寸大約為30(厘米)X 30(厘米)X 50(厘米)的水箱。
13 . For one thing they keep the water clean.一來,水下植物可以保持水的清潔。
14 . Yes. You should never keep fish in a small round bowl.錯不了。你絕不能把魚養在一個小圓缸裡。
15 . I saw a beautiful fish in the street market the other day.前幾天,我在街市上見到一條很漂亮的魚。
16 . Is there anything else that I ought to get?我還該弄點別的什麼東西嗎?
17 . Also they make the tank look much prettier.二來,它們還可以使容器看起來更漂亮些。
18 . In that round bowl over there.在那邊的圓缸裡。