Unit 5 Why do you do that英語對話,高一英語課文,英語Unit 5 Why do you do that對白,Unit 5 Why do you do that英文怎麽說



Unit 5 Why do you do that用英語怎麽說


Unit 5 Why do you do that

1 . Is that all?就是這些嗎?

2 . Do you have to feed plants like you feed chickens? Or do they grow up by themselves?你得要像喂小雞那樣去餵幼苗嗎?還是它們自己長大呢?

3 . The powder is made from fish, blood and bones.肥粉是由魚、血和骨頭做成的。

4 . Then I'll water them to stop the soil getting too dry.然後,我還要給它們澆水,以免土壤變得太乾燥。

5 . No.Later, in a few weeks' time I'll put the little plants in the earth.不止。幾星期以後,我要把菜秧移到地裡。

6 . I'm sowing cabbages.我在播白菜種。

7 . You see, I put some soil in the box, sow the seed carefully like this, and then cover it with more soil.你瞧,我在盒子裡放些泥土,像這樣小心地把種子播下,然後再用多一點兒的土蓋住種子。

8 . It'll make the cabbage plants grow big and strong.它能使白菜秧長得又大又壯。

9 . What are you doing, Mum?媽媽,你在幹什麼?

10 . I'll keep the box in the shade so that the sun doesn't burn the little plants.我將把盒子放在陰涼的地方,這樣太陽就不會把幼苗曬枯。

11 . In fact they grow better if you feed them.事實上,要是你給它們澆水施肥,它們會長得更好。

12 . Several weeks after that, I will plant them in rows in the field.再過幾個星期,我還要把它們一行行地栽到菜地裡。

13 . Like me!就像我一樣粗壯。

14 . What's that in your hand?你手裡拿的是什麼?

15 . When the plants are in the ground I'll put some powder on the soil.白菜在地裡生長時,我得在土壤裡施些肥粉。

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