談辦公室生活英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語談辦公室生活對白,談辦公室生活英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . Please come and see me in my office on the 20th floor.請到二十樓我的辦公室來見我。

2 . Sir, Mr. Bennings is here to see you.先生,本寧先生來這兒見你。

3 . The office network is running again, we can finally get some work done.辦公室的網絡又聯上了,我們終於可以做些事情了。

4 . Is there any more plain paper?還有沒有更多的白紙?

5 . I can't help you now, I'm on my coffee break.我現在幫不了你,我正在休息、喝咖啡。

6 . It's time we hired a secretary to answer the phones.我們早就該請一個秘書接聽電話了。

7 . Make sure you file this invoice straight away; I don't want it being misplaced.記得現在就把發票給開了,我可不想弄錯了。

8 . Why does the boss have such a large, comfortable chair?為什麼老闆有張那麼舒服寬大的椅子?

9 . While it may be cold outside, it's always warm here in the office.外面可能很冷的時候,辦公室裡面總是很暖和。

10 . Who jammed the photocopier, again?誰又把複印機卡住了?

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瘋狂英語 900 句