The Community Center(社區中心) ACT II英語對話,走遍美國,英語The Community Center(社區中心) ACT II對白,The Community Center(社區中心) ACT II英文怎麽說



The Community Center(社區中心) ACT II用英語怎麽說


The Community Center(社區中心) ACT II

1 . We'll have a chance to talk to them later.我們以後還有機會跟他們談。

2 . And programs that don't leave anyone out.而且是些不排拒任何人的活動。

3 . Weren't they going to be here this morning?他們不是今天早上要來這兒嗎?

4 . That would be very helpful.你這樣做幫忙可大噢。

5 . If you would supervise the refurbishing,假如你能監督整修過程,

6 . Tomorrow. Yes. We'll meet tomorrow morning, right here.明天。對, 我們明天早晨會面, 就在這兒。

7 . We might need you to come through with your friends, Robbie.我們也許需要你們多邀朋友來幫忙, Robbie。

8 . and used to play drums with the jazz band on weekends.週末還經常在爵士樂隊中打鼓。

9 . but they probably had other things on their minds.但他們也許還有其他的事想要做。

10 . Robbie left early this morning to meet Alexandra. Robbie早上很早出去接Alexandra。

11 . And a good paint job.還需要好好的粉刷。

12 . Not just to go around the neighborhood asking for furniture,不僅在這社區募傢俱,

13 . They had some ideas about getting the place fixed up.他們對於怎麼樣修復這個地方有些構想。

14 . And tomorrow morning we'll all meet here to discuss the plan?是不是明天早晨我們都聚到這裡來討論整修計劃

15 . But we can't do it without talking to the young people.但我們不能在沒有跟年輕人談談的情 下就去做。

16 . so that we don't have to worry about any structural problems.我們就可以不用擔心任何結構上的問題。

17 . As I said, mostly the building just needs a good cleaning.就像我先前所說的 這棟建築物大部份僅需要好好打掃一下

18 . I'll help.我也來幫忙。

19 . I think the building just needs a good cleaning.我想那座建築只需要好好地打掃一下。

20 . It's not like Robbie.這不像是Robbie的作為。

21 . And this is Abe Lucas. You must remember Abe.這是Abe Lucas。你一定記得Abe。

22 . Sit down, sit down. Have some coffee.請坐, 請坐。喝點咖啡。

23 . And I've got some delicious Danish pastry for you.我為你們準備了一些可口的丹麥點心。

24 . I wonder what the problem is.我不知道發生了什麼問題。

25 . That's fine with me. I can do it either day.對我來說時間很適合。兩天中哪一天我都可以。

26 . and collect the furniture we need.募集我們需要的傢俱。

27 . There is a way, Malcolm.有一個辦法, Malcolm。

28 . I wonder if you would take a look at the old library我不知道你是否可以看一看舊圖書館

29 . If he says he's going to be here, he's here.假如他說他要來這兒 他就一定會來。

30 . but to help with the paint job.還要幫忙粉刷。

31 . I'd like you to meet my friend Malcolm Stewart.我來為你介紹我的朋友Malcolm Stewart。

32 . When can I do that? I'd be happy to.我什麼時候可以去看 我很樂意做這項工作。

33 . Finding out what they want.得看看他們想要什麼。

34 . Tuesday or Wednesday.星期二或者星期三。

35 . If I could take a look at the place,假如我能看看那個地方的話

36 . That's what I came to ask you to do, Malcolm.這正是我來請你做的, Malcolm。

37 . I'll find the people to help do it.我可以找人來幫忙。

38 . He ran the drugstore他經營藥房

39 . Can we help?我們可以幫忙嗎?

40 . Come in, come in. Please, come in.請進, 請進。請進來。

41 . Hello, Joanne. Nice to meet you.好, Joanne。很高興見到 。

42 . My pleasure, Malcolm.我也很榮幸, Malcolm。

43 . A community center一個社區中心

44 . Perhaps they'll show up. In the meantime,也許他們會露面。在這等待期間

45 . It's certainly a good idea.這的確是個好主意。

46 . This place can be developed我們可以拓展這個地方

47 . Oh, sure I do. Hi, Abe.噢,我當然記得。嗨, Abe。

48 . I wish Robbie and Alexandra had come to this meeting.我真希望Robbie和Alexandra已經來參加開會。

49 . I'll do it. I'll talk to them.我來做, 我去跟他們談一談。

50 . I could probably tell what it requires to fix it up.我大致能說出修復它需要些什麼。

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