Unit 25 At the conference英語對話,高一英語課文,英語Unit 25 At the conference對白,Unit 25 At the conference英文怎麽說



Unit 25 At the conference用英語怎麽說


Unit 25 At the conference

1 . I'll ask her to call you. Goodbye.我會叫她給你回電話的。再見。

2 . 6 a.m.上午六時,呃,對不起,是26號下午6時。

3 . What a lot of invitations to send out!要寄出的請貼真多呀!

4 . Hold on please. I'm sorry.請別掛斷。很抱歉。

5 . Hello. Could I speak to Pat, please?喂,請帕特聽電話好嗎?

6 . Can you have a look at this?你能看看這個嗎?

7 . She's not in the office right now.她現在不在辦公室。

8 . Can you ring up the bus company?你能給汽車公司打個電話嗎?

9 . Perhaps not. It's 6674044.可能沒有。號碼是6674044。

10 . Can you ask her to ring me back, please?你能請她給我回個電話嗎?

11 . The line's busy. I'll try again later.電話占線,過一會我再打。

12 . Yes, there must be over two hundred here.是呀,這兒一定有200多張。

13 . Hello. Capital Buses.喂,首都公共汽車公司。

14 . Yes. This is Mary speaking.是的,我是瑪麗。

15 . We shall need two buses to meet people at the staton.我們需要兩輛公共汽車到車站去接人。

16 . Is this a D or a P?這個字母是「D」還是「P」?

17 . Does she have your number?她有你的電話號碼嗎?

18 . Can I take a message?要不要留個話?

19 . OK. I'll do that.好的,我會做的。

20 . Mary and lizzy are organizing a large medical conference.瑪麗和莉齊正在組織一個大型的醫學會議。

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