Unit 24 The science of Farming
1 . They say it's going to be wet and windy.據說是要颳風下雨。
2 . Yes. Did you listen to the weather report on the radio?是的。你收聽了電台的天氣預報嗎?
3 . It's a beautiful day today.今天天氣真好。
4 . That's good. I think I'll sow my carrot seed tomorrow.好呀,我想明天播胡蘿蔔種。
5 . What's the weather going to be like at the weekend?週末的天氣怎樣?
6 . Yes, it's going to be dry and sunny for the next two days.聽了,未來兩天天氣乾燥、晴朗。
7 . Then we'd better pick the rest of these cabbages before the weather changes.那麼我們最好在天氣變化之前就把其餘的包心菜都收回來。