Unit 22 A tale of two cities英語對話,高二英語課文,英語Unit 22 A tale of two cities對白,Unit 22 A tale of two cities英文怎麽說



Unit 22 A tale of two cities用英語怎麽說


Unit 22 A tale of two cities

1 . When a servant opened the door to fetch some wood, I spoke to her and persuaded her to let me in.一個僕人開門取柴火時,我和她說話,並說服她讓我進去。

2 . I said that together we could light a fire that could be seen for many miles.我說,我們一起點燃一堆火,讓幾英里遠都能看見。

3 . She was the brave one, not I.她是個勇敢的人,而我可不是。

4 . She knew that I was not an enemy of hers.她知道我不是她的敵人。

5 . What happened next?跟著發生了什麼事?

6 . We were both lucky. I think she is a hero too!我們倆都很走運。我認為她也是個英雄。

7 . She understood what I was talking about, even though it was the first time we had spoken together.她理解我的話,雖然我們是第一次在一起說話。

8 . And then quickly and quietly we did just that.於是,我們就迅速而且悄悄地幹了起來。

9 . The guards couldn't have been watchig very carefully.警衛不可能一直認真地查看。

10 . I explained to her that the rich were the enemies of the people of France.我向她解釋,財主老爺才是法國人民的敵人。

11 . So how did you get into the castle?那麼,你是怎麼混入城堡的呢?

12 . You might both have been caught and killed!你們倆可能給抓住殺了。

13 . I hid in a farmer's cart which was taking vegetables into the castle.我藏在一個農民的車子裡,車子正往城裡送菜。

14 . What did you do next?接著你做什麼呢?

15 . I waited by the kitchen door.我在廚房門旁等著。

16 . You must have been mad to speak to the servant! She might have called for help.你準是瘋了,竟跟這個僕人說話。她可能會大喊救命的。

17 . It was not yet light, so it was easy to stay hidden.天還沒亮,所以很容易隱蔽。

18 . I told her what the revolutionaries were doing and I persuaded her to help me.我告訴她革命者都在幹些什麼事,並說服她給我幫忙。

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