1 . I didn't mean to do that.我並不想要那麼做。
2 . My mistake. it won't happen again.是我的錯。 不會再發生類似的事情了。
3 . Forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you.請原諒, 我不是有意惹你生氣。
4 . I honestly didn't mean it.我的確不是故意的。
5 . I didn't mean it that way.事情鬧成那樣並非我的本意。
6 . I'm sorry for what I've done.我為我的所作所為向你道歉。
7 . It's all my fault. I'll try to make it up to you.這事兒全怪我。 我會盡力補救。
8 . I don't know haw that could have happened.我不知道怎麼會發生那樣的事。
9 . I owe you an apology for what I did last night.我應該為昨天晚上的事向你道歉。
10 . Please accept my apologies for any trouble my mistake has caused you.因為我的失誤給你添麻煩了,請接受我的道歉。
11 . I shouldn't have done that.我不該那麼做。
12 . It was so stupid of me. I really do apologize.非常抱歉, 我當時真糊塗。
13 . I'm sorry, I spoke out of turn.對不起,我說錯話了。
14 . I should have asked you first.我應該先徵得你的同意。
15 . It's my fault. I really feel bad about it.是我的錯。 我真的感到很難過。
16 . You were right and I was wrong. I apologize.你是對的, 我錯了。 我道歉。