Opening Night(展覽開幕之夜) ACT III英語對話,走遍美國,英語Opening Night(展覽開幕之夜) ACT III對白,Opening Night(展覽開幕之夜) ACT III英文怎麽說



Opening Night(展覽開幕之夜) ACT III用英語怎麽說


Opening Night(展覽開幕之夜) ACT III

1 . and seeing the wonder of humanity.看眾生奇景。

2 . I'd like to thank Harvey Carlson我非常感謝Harvey Carlson

3 . that he wants to develop it into a magazine concept.他想要將它加以發展 使之成為一個雜誌方面的構想。

4 . I'm flattered,你的厚愛使我受寵若驚

5 . And I would like to introduce the young man現在我希望向大家介紹這位年輕人

6 . I want to thank all of you for coming here tonight.我非常感謝你們大家今天晚上的賞光。

7 . The problem is that I'm a photographer, not an editor.問題是我是一個攝影師 不是一個編輯。

8 . is a collection of photographs是選出的攝影作品

9 . You're a real Stewart!你真不愧是Stewart家的人

10 . I've been looking forward to meeting your husband, Mrs. Stewart.我一直希望能見到 先生 Stewart太太。

11 . I like what I do.我喜歡我所做的工作。

12 . and writing the background for Family Album,U.S.A.--為Family Album,U.S.A.撰寫背景說明的年輕人

13 . if I may have your attention for a moment, please?我想佔用你們一點點時間 好嗎

14 . Would you mind?你們不介意吧

15 . I hope you're all enjoying the exhibition.我希望你們都喜歡這個展覽

16 . but where would I fit into the plan?但是我在這項計劃中怎麼定位呢

17 . Ladies and gentlemen,各位女士 各位先生

18 . Ah, Richard, Marilyn, I want you to meet John O'Neill.啊 Richard Marilyn 我向你們介紹John O'Neill。

19 . for their love and support all through this adventure.在這整個工作期間給予我的愛和支持。

20 . Well, that sounds very exciting,嗯 聽起來很令人興奮。

21 . On a contract.在一份合同上面。

22 . There is power and beauty in Mr. Stewart's work, Stewart先生的作品中展現出力與美。

23 . I'd like you to be the photo editor of the magazine.我希望你能做雜誌的攝影編輯。

24 . but I'm happy being a photographer.但我樂於當一名攝影師。

25 . Now, I appreciate your offer,因此, 我感激你的提議。

26 . Nice to meet you.很高興見到你。

27 . Oh, I'm glad that's over.噢 我真高興終於結束了。

28 . In fact, I love what I do ...事實上 我熱愛我的工作……

29 . It's a wonderful opportunity, Richard.這是一個好機會 Richard。

30 . What's the problem, Richard?有什麼問題嗎 Richard

31 . I know that I am.我知道我是很喜歡。

32 . Richard Stewart's show at the Carlson Gallery Richard Stewart在Carlson畫廊展出的

33 . I'll settle for an A in my photography course.我只要攝影課能得A就滿足了。

34 . Hope it wins a Pulitzer Prize.希望它能得Pulitzer獎。

35 . Richard, I know your next book will be a success. Richard我相信你的下一本書會成功。

36 . Mr. O'Neill was so impressed with your work O'Neill先生被你的作品深深打動

37 . I'm really impressed by your show.你的展覽讓我留下了深刻的印象。

38 . Wow! I'm overwhelmed.喔 我太感動了。

39 . Mr. O'Neill is the publisher of several magazines. O'Neill先生是好幾家雜 的發行人。

40 . but I enjoy taking pictures, and I want to continue doing that.但我喜歡拍照片 而且我要繼續做這一行。

41 . introduces us to a remarkable new talent.讓我們看到一位卓越的新秀。"

42 . Of course. I've seen you on television.當然。我在電視上看見過你。

43 . for his faith in my project.對我工作計劃的信心。

44 . Hold on. Wait a minute, please.等等。請稍等一下。

45 . but I've worked so hard on Family Album, U.S.A.,但是我一直為Family Album, U.S.A.辛勤工作

46 . who spent the last five years用過去五年的時間

47 . Oh, not at all.噢 一點也不。

48 . In fact, I'd like your autograph.事實上 我想要你的簽名。

49 . But most of all,但最重要的

50 . Oh, Richard, how exciting!哦 Richard 好令人興奮

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