Unit 2 Captain Cook英語對話,高三英語課文,英語Unit 2 Captain Cook對白,Unit 2 Captain Cook英文怎麽說



Unit 2 Captain Cook用英語怎麽說


Unit 2 Captain Cook

1 . Is there anything else that you want me to get?您還要我買別的東西嗎?

2 . I shall insist that they do from now on. Eating cabbage will keep them healthy.我要他們從現在起就吃(醋泡白菜)。吃白菜會使他們的身體保持健康的。

3 . Live animals? I didn' t know we were going to take live animals with us, Sir.活的動物?我還不知道我們要帶活的動物,先生。

4 . Why vinegar, Sir, if I may ask?先生,要是我能問的話,您為什麼要帶醋呢?

5 . What about vegetables, Sir? They usually go bad as soon as we are at sea.那些蔬菜怎麼辦呢,先生?通常是剛一出海它們就會壞掉的。

6 . I insist on taking proper food for this expedition. The men often fall ill and suffer fever, so I have decided to take live animals.我堅持認為,這次探險要攜帶合適的食物。水手經常生病發燒,因此我決定帶活的動物。

7 . We will take the Endeavour. It is a good, strong ship, though not very fast. There will be a lot of room below for stores.我們用「奮力號」。它雖然速度不算快,但卻是一隻完好、結實的船。船體下面有很多地方還可以放儲存品。

8 . We will use it for cleaning the inside of the ship. If we do this, we shall have less sickness. Please get me 300 litres. I think that will be enough.我們將要用醋清理船艙。如果我們這樣做的話,我們就會少生些病。請給我購買300升。我想這就夠了。

9 . I've never heard of that, Sir. Will the men enjoy eating it, Sir?我還從來沒聽說過這樣的事兒,先生。水手們會愛吃嗎,先生?

10 . I have decided to take a lot of cabbage in vinegar.我已決定帶大量的醋泡白菜。

11 . Have you decided which boat to take, Sir?先生,您決定用哪只船了嗎?

12 . That's right. We will take 10 pigs, 10 sheep and sixty chickens. The chickens can eat the food that we would otherwise throw away. They will provide us with eggs and meat.沒錯。我們要帶上10頭豬、10隻羊還有60隻雞。雞吃我們的剩飯剩菜。它們為我們提供蛋和肉。

13 . Yes. I suggest taking a lot of vinegar.是的。我建議多帶些醋。

14 . What stores do you want me to order, Sir?先生,您想要我訂購些什麼儲存品?

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