I Do(我願意) ACT I
1 . the wedding will take place tomorrow.婚禮只有明天舉行了。
2 . We can't get this bow tie tied.我們打不好領結。
3 . You hold on to them so there won't be a problem later.你來保管, 免得等一下又出問題了。
4 . That's a relief.現在我放心了。
5 . Do you think they're open?你們說現在還開門嗎?
6 . I never could tie one of those ...我從來就不會打那一類的……
7 . Yes, it's so easy.沒錯, 它真簡便。
8 . No, no, Robbie doesn't have them.不, 不, Robbie沒有拿。
9 . You're the only one你是我們當中唯一
10 . I think you put them我想你是放在
11 . What did I do with the rings?我把戒指放哪兒了?
12 . Oh, you're a lucky guy, Harry.噢, 你是一個幸運的傢伙, Harry。
13 . Wedding-day Jitters.這叫婚禮緊張症。
14 . Two hours from now.從現在起還有兩個小時。
15 . anyway.不管怎麼說。
16 . It looks wrong.看起來不對勁。
17 . How're you doing, fellas?你們怎麼樣了, 各位?
18 . What time is it?現在是什麼時間了?
19 . I remember now.我現在想起來了。
20 . You'd better hurry, Robbie.你最好快點, Robbie。
21 . Are they always that difficult to make?領結這樣難打嗎?
22 . things ... bow ties.玩意兒……領結。
23 . I remember.我想起來了。
24 . You'd better not make Harry any more nervous than he is.你最好別讓Harry更加緊張了。
25 . I'll call and find out.我打電話問看看。
26 . Well, if they're not,噢, 假如店不開的話,
27 . now, I think we'd better get dressed, fellas.現在我們最好去穿好衣服,各位。
28 . so I wouldn't lose them.免得我弄丟了。
29 . I put them in my tuxedo--我將它們放在我禮服的口袋,
30 . Now, once you put the ring on Susan's finger,現在, 你一旦將戒指戴上Susan的手指,
31 . Hmmm. It is wrong.嗯嗯。是不對勁。
32 . We all need one of those.我們都需要一個這樣的領結。
33 . What about the rings?戒指怎麼辦?
34 . How do you tie your bow tie?你怎麼打領結的?
35 . What do you mean?你是什麼意思呀?
36 . I'll try again.我再試一次。
37 . I know the feeling.我知道這種感覺。
38 . It's still a little over two hours, Harry.仍然還有兩個多小時, Harry。
39 . We'll figure a way.我們會想法子的。
40 . You look great.你看起來很神氣。
41 . Two hours from now.從現在起兩小時。
42 . You'll be husband and wife.你們就成為夫妻了。
43 . I remember.我記起來了。
44 . There's lots of time.時間多得很。
45 . And they have lots of clip-on bow ties.而且他們有許多夾上去的領結。
46 . and here I am with如今我卻和
47 . If we can't tie the tie,假如我們弄不好領結,
48 . What did I do with them?我把它們放在哪兒了?
49 . I'll bicycle down to the village and get them.我騎腳踏車去鎮上拿。
50 . It'll all be over in two hours.再兩個小時就結束了。