Making a Difference(當仁不讓) ACT III
1 . You lost by a very small number of votes.輸的票數非常少。
2 . More sports after this.廣告後還有許多運動消息。
3 . but in the end the voters will have to decide.但最後卻要由選民來決定。
4 . Can I see it?我可以看嗎?
5 . Vote for me, Ellen Stewart.請投我, Ellen Stewart一票。
6 . I just called to tell you我打電話是想告訴你
7 . I appreciate your kind words.我很感謝你好心的安慰。
8 . You lost by only a hundred and twenty-one votes.僅僅以一百二十一票的些微差距輸了。
9 . Oh, yes, yes, Mr. Maxwell.噢, 是的, 是的, Maxwell先生。
10 . Ellen, why don't you go out to the backyardEllen,何不去院子
11 . Maybe we'll all care now.也許我們大家現在都關心起來了。
12 . that you are very impressive.你給人們留下了深刻的印象。
13 . I needed that.我正需要這個。
14 . You'll have another chance next election.下次選舉時, 還有機會。
15 . in the morning to interview you.在明天早晨來採訪你。
16 . That's a brilliant idea, Richard!這主意太棒了, Richard!
17 . I called channel five.我打電話給了第五頻道。
18 . I did make a difference in town.我確實在鎮上發揮了影響力。
19 . and I'm running for the open seat on the school board.我正在競選聯合校董會的席次。
20 . I'm gonna do an article我準備寫一篇文章
21 . We got our brains from you, Dad.我們從你那兒繼承了好頭腦 ,爸爸。
22 . some magazine will pick up the story, too.一些雜貨店也將刊登這項消息。
23 . I like it,我覺得不錯。
24 . I'm sorry, Mom.我很難過, 媽媽。
25 . ... I mean that when I say I care,……我的意思是當我說 我關心 時
26 . and get some fresh air?呼吸一些新鮮空氣呢?
27 . You inherited your father's brains.你繼承了你父親的好頭腦。
28 . You lost the election,儘管你輸了,
29 . and wait for the final results.等待最後的結果。
30 . Mom is now on television媽媽現在出現在電視上
31 . Now returning to other local news ...現在再報導其它地方新聞。
32 . in every appliance store in Riverdale,在Riverdale的每一家電器行,
33 . Mom, you're winning!媽媽, 你贏了!
34 . ... I care about people, not things.……我關心人, 而不是東西。
35 . And guess what?你們猜怎麼著?
36 . I need some.我確實需要。
37 . Vote for me, Ellen Stewart.請投我, Ellen Stewart一票。
38 . You tried, Mom.盡力了, 媽媽。
39 . for the one seat on the Riverdale School Board,爭奪Riverdale聯合校董會一個席次
40 . wants to appoint you to a special arts committee.將任命你到一個特別藝術委員會。
41 . What does the word care mean?所謂 關心 是指什麼呢
42 . You were terrific!真是太棒了!
43 . Thank you, Grandpa.謝謝你, 爺爺。
44 . What happened?發生了什麼事?
45 . but now what?但下一步怎麼辦?
46 . you've made a very strong impression你已經留下了非常深刻的印象
47 . on our community.給我們的社區。
48 . Mrs. Ellen Stewart has taken an early lead.Ellen Stewart太太初步領先。
49 . Housewife campaigns in appliance stores.家庭主婦在電器行 進行競選活動 。
50 . but you won the attention of the residents of Riverdale,of Boswell, and of me.但你引起了Riverdale的居民、Boswell和我的的注目。