1 . I'm sure the plan is viable.我肯定這個方案行得通。
2 . There's still an outside chance that he'll make it into the finals.他打入決賽還有一線希望。
3 . I wouldn't be surprised if your son goes to harvard.我覺得你兒子很有希望上哈佛。
4 . Don't worry, it's in the bag.不用擔心, 這事兒十拿九穩。
5 . This is perfectly feasible.這是完全可行的。
6 . He stands a good chance of getting the job.他很有希望得到那份工作。
7 . I think it can be done.我認為這件事情辦得成。
8 . That's a practicable course of action.那是一個切合實際的行動方案。
9 . It's a safe bet that he'll get the job.他能得到那份工作,這幾乎可以打保票。
10 . It can't go wrong.不會有問題的。