1 . Rules are meant to be followed, not broken.規則制訂出來是讓人遵守,而不是讓人破壞。
2 . Keep to the rules, and nothing can go wrong.按規矩辦事情就不會出差子。
3 . Do what you are told.叫你怎麼做,你就怎麼做。
4 . You must observe these simple rules.你必須遵守這些簡單的規定。
5 . Everyone is expected to stick to the rules.每個人都要遵守規則。
6 . Those are the rules and regulations, and we have to abide by them.這些就是這兒的規矩, 大家都應該遵守。
7 . In this company you must toe the line if your want to keep your job.在這個公司裡,你必須循規蹈矩才能保住飯碗。
8 . Don't ask why; just do as you are told.別問為什麼, 按要求去做就行了。
9 . You can't do that! it's against the rules.你不能那麼做! 那是違反規定的。
10 . You can't afford to ignore the profession's code of conduct.你不能無視行業的行為準則。