1 . Don't fly off the handle.不要這麼衝動。
2 . Learn to roll with the punches.要學會應付困難。
3 . It's no big deal.沒什麼大不了的。
4 . It's important for you to keep a cool head at this moment.這時候保持頭腦冷靜是很重要的。
5 . Don't lose sleep over it.別因為這事兒睡不著覺。
6 . Don't go into hysterics.不要歇斯底里。
7 . Like it's such a big deal.就好像有什麼大不了似的。
8 . You're making a mountain out of a molehill.你在小題大做,把鼴鼠丘當成大山。
9 . You'll send yourself to an early grave.你這樣會未老先衰的。
10 . Easy does it, tom. don't get all worked up.冷靜點,湯姆,不要太激動。
11 . Don't let it get to you.別讓他影響你的情緒。
12 . Don't get so excited about it.別因為這事兒太激動。