1 . In a manner of speaking.不妨這麼說吧。
2 . I suppose so.我想是這樣吧。
3 . If you say so.既然你這麼說。
4 . I agree with much of what you said.我基本上同意你的意見。
5 . I get your point, but there are other things we have to consider.我明白你的意思,可是我們還需要考慮其它一些事情。
6 . Yes, you have a point there.對,你說的這一點有道理。
7 . So it seems.好像是這麼回事。
8 . That's quite true, but on the other hand, we have to think of our priorities.那很有道理,但我們還必須分清輕重緩急。
9 . I don't entirely agree with you.你的意見我不完全同意。
10 . That's one way of looking at it, I admit.我承認可以從這個角度看問題。
11 . So to speak.可以那麼說。
12 . There's a lot in what you say, but we have more urgent problems to deal with.你說的相當有道理,不過我們有更緊要的事情要辦。