1 . May I have a word with you?能和你說句話嗎?
2 . It's none of my business, but i think her dress is a bit too loud.雖說不干我的事,可我覺得她的裙子有點太花哨了。
3 . Can we talk?能一塊兒談談嗎?
4 . Let's talk.我們談談吧。
5 . Excuse me. you got a minute?對不起,能耽誤你一分鐘嗎?
6 . Can I talk to you?能和你談一下嗎?
7 . If you don't mind my asking, where did you come from?你從哪兒來?要是你不介意我這麼問的話。
8 . I don't want to sound like a busybody, but didn't you plan to go abroad?我並不想瞎打聽,可你原來不是打算出國嗎?