瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . I'd just like to repeat, do not be late!我只想重複一遍,別遲到!
2 . I think that all Chinese word hard and cherish their famillies.我認為所有的中國人都工作勤奮而且十分關心家人。
3 . Your gong fu has a lot of good and bad points, but I'd like to draw particular attention to problems in your footwork.你的功夫優點和缺點並存,但我希望你能特別要注意你的步法。
4 . I can't put it strongly enouth, I need to make a sale before the end of the week.我鄭重宣佈,我要在本週末前搞一次大減價。
5 . Don't try and argue with her, women are all the same.不要和她吵,所有的女人都是一樣的。
6 . Smoking is addictive, and causes cancer, But the point I most want to emphasize is that it damages the health of those around you.吸煙會上癮,會引發癌症。但我最想說的是,吸煙同時也有損你的健康。
7 . I reckon that all rock songs are rubbish.我覺得所有的搖滾樂都是垃圾。
8 . That's a great drawing of your girlfriend, but you should emphasize the nose a bit more.你的女友這張畫像很漂亮,但你應該把她的鼻子再勾畫一下。
9 . Young motorists all drive too fast.年輕人的車都開得飛快。
10 . Fast food is all bad for you.快餐對你的健康沒有好處。