Unit 19 New Zealand
1 . Many families spend this at a cottage by the seaside or go camping in the hills or on the coast.許多家庭會在海濱的小屋裡度過這段時光,或到小山坡上或在海岸邊野營度假。
2 . Special days for Maori are called huis.對於毛利人來說,特殊的日子叫做"會"。
3 . However, in recent times the old-age pension has only been paid to the poorest people because there has been an increase in the number of people out of work.189然而陽近一段時間,老年養老金只付給那些最窮的人,因為失業的人數一直在增長。
4 . As in Australia, the first settlers found many strange birds and animals that exist nowhere else in the world.正如在澳大利亞一樣,第一批移民發現了許多在世界別的地方不存在的珍奇鳥類與動物。
5 . He named the country Ao-tea-roa which means the land of the long,white cloud.他將這個地方稱之為"奧蒂羅"。意思是白雲綿綿的地方"。
6 . The kiwi, which is New Zealand's national bird, is one of these types of flightless birds.幾維,新西蘭的國鳥,就是這些不能飛行的鳥類當中的一種。
7 . In summer, people like to go sailing, swimming, horse-riding, and rock-climbing in the mountains.夏天,人們喜歡去揚帆航行、游泳、騎馬,還到山裡去攀巖。
8 . When someone dies, all the relations, old and young, come to the marae for the Maori burial service.當某人死亡後,所有親戚,無論老幼,均要到集會地參加毛利人的葬禮。
9 . This is because they had no natural enemies until the arrival of humans and therefore did not need to develop flying wings.這是因為人類到達這裡之前,這些鳥沒有天敵,因此,它們不需要發育飛行的翅膀。
10 . Some farmers have turned to keeping deer, and there are now about 3,000 deer farms in the country.一些農場主已轉向養鹿業,現在該國已有大約3000個養鹿場。
11 . Goats are also kept. Apart from their milk, the wool from their coats is used in expensive clothing.除了獲取羊奶之外,從羊皮上剪下的羊毛還用來製作昂貴的服裝。
12 . Maori children are taught at an early age what to do when they come to the marae.毛利兒童小小年約就要去庥會地參加集會,被教會該做什麼。
13 . Maori believe that the spirit stays with the body for three days, so during this time someone always stays with the dead person.毛利人相信人死之後靈魂還會附體3天,因此在這段時間裡一直有人守候著死者。
14 . The main school holidays are from mid-December till early February when the days are long and warm.學校主要的假期從12月中旬起至第二年的2月初為止,這段時間白晝很長,氣候也暖和。
15 . New Zealand, with its natural beauty, mountains, rivers and National Parks, attracts tourists from all over the world.新西蘭以其自然風光、群山、河流以及國家公園,吸引著世界各地的遊人。
16 . Maori families are often large, and uncles, aunts, grandparents and other relations may come to stay with the family for long periods.毛利人的家庭通常很大,叔伯、嬸娘、爺爺奶奶以及其他親戚均可來與家裡人長時期地住在一起。
17 . North Island is famous for an area of hot springs, some of which throw hot water high into the air.北島以其溫泉區而聞名,其中有一些溫泉將熱水高高地噴向空中。
18 . You can also take a degree in Maori or Maori Studies at five of the country's universtities.你也可以在國立大學當中的5所大學裡獲得毛利語或毛利研究的學位。
19 . Today there are special kindergartens for Maori children, and the Maori language is now taught in more and more schools.如今已有專門為毛利兒童而設的幼兒園,而且在越來越多的學校裡講授毛利語。
20 . Ships carry live sheep to markets in he Middle East where they are killed at festivals.輪船將活羊運送到中東市場供凶日宰殺。
21 . New Zealand is an impotant agricultural country with a small population. In size it is bigger than Guangdong Province, yet has a much smaller population.新西蘭是一個人口很少的重要的農業國。新西蘭的面積比廣東省大,但人口卻少得多。
22 . Their population has now increased to 435,000, and today they make up about 13% of the population.不過現在他們的人口已增長到435,000人,如今他們已佔全國人口的13%。
23 . There are about 50 million sheep in New Zealand, about 14 sheep for every New Zealander!在新西蘭大約有5000萬隻羊,每個新西蘭人擁有14隻羊左右!
24 . The common meeting place for Maori is on the marae, an area of land with a meeting house, where all the important events take place.毛利人的公眾集會是在集會地舉行,這是一個擁有會議廳的活動場所,所有的重要活動都在這裡舉行。
25 . A hui may be a wedding, burial or conference. The happier events are marked with speeches, singing and dancing.一個"會"可能是一次婚禮、葬禮或者會議。而較為喜慶的活動,人們要發表演說,唱歌跳舞以示慶賀。
26 . The language which the Maori speak is related to the languages of Tahiti and Hawaiil.毛利人講的語言與塔希提島和夏威夷的語言有同源關係。
27 . Maori families enjoy sharing what they own and looking after one another.毛利人家庭喜歡共同分享他們之所有,並樂於相互關照。
28 . As a result of these wars and diseases, the Maori population fell from 100,000 to 42,000.由於這些戰爭與疾病,毛利人的人口從100,000人下降到4,200人。
29 . The main exports of the country are wool, lamb, beef, butter, forest products, fruit and vegetables.這個國家的主要出口產品有羊毛、羔羊、牛肉、黃油、林木製品、水果與蔬菜。
30 . The earliest people of New Zealand, the Maori, came from the islands of polynesia in the Pacific, which means many islands.新西蘭最早的居民,毛利人,來自太平洋的玻利尼西亞,玻利尼西的意思是許多島嶼。
31 . In Maori history,the first traveller to reach New Zealand in the year 950 was a man called Kupe.毛利人的歷史上,於950年第一個到達新西蘭的旅行者是一個名叫庫佩的人。
32 . In 1898 a law was passed which meant that all people above a certain age were paid a weekly old-age pension.1898年通過了一項法令,規定一定年齡以上的人全都可以按周領取"老年養老金。
33 . In 1893 New Zealand was the first nation in modern times to allow women to vote, long before many other countries.3年,新西蘭是第一個在近代就允許婦女參加選舉的國家,這比許多其他國家要早得多。
34 . New Zealand is also home to about 170,000 Pacific Islanders from Oceania who have settled mainly in Auckland in North Island.新西蘭也是那些來自大洋諸島大約170,000島民的家園,他們大多定居在北島的奧克蘭。
35 . Most of the cattle farming is in North Island.畜牧業大部分在北島。
36 . Both Maori and Pacifice Islanders are encouraged to use their own languages.政府鼓勵毛利人與太平洋島民使用他們自己的語言。
37 . The Maori have insisted on keeping their own customs and way of life.毛利人一直堅持保留他們自己的風俗習慣與生活方式。
38 . However,in later years there were fierce arguments over land rights and many battles were fought between the settlers and the Maori.然而後來數年中在移居者與毛利人之間因土地所有權問題產生了激烈的爭論,還因此引發了多次戰爭。
39 . As the Maori had no written language, the stories of Maori history were handed down from generation to generation.由於毛利人當時沒有書面語,毛利人的歷史故事是一代一代傳下來的。
40 . This is how they keep their way of life alive.他們就是這樣使自己的生活方式得以保持和延續。
41 . The deer are farmed for their meat and fur, which are then shipped to many other countries.飼養鹿的目的是為了獲取鹿的肉皮,然後鹿皮會被輪船運往許多別的國家。
42 . Living in a country with plenty of space and a good climate, New Zealanders love all kinds of sport.由於生活在一個幅員遼闊而氣候宜人的國家裡,新西蘭人熱愛各種各樣的運動。
43 . Some of this heat near the earth's surfact is used to make electricity.靠近地表的一部分熱量已被用來發電。
44 . Following his discovery many islanders travelled 3,500 kilometers by sea in their narrow boats to this new country between 1100 and 1350.繼其發現之後,許多島民於1100年至1350年間駕著他們那窄小的帆船航行3500公里來到這一新的國度。
45 . Many people will sleep and eat on the marae during these three days and share their memories of the dead person.許多人還會在這3天期間吃住在集會地,以共同悼念亡人。
46 . They took with them dogs, rats and plants like the sweet potato,and settled mainly in North Island where the weather was warmer.他們隨身帶去了狗、老鼠及像紅薯之類的植物,並且大部分定居在氣候比較溫暖的北島。
47 . Sheep farms are found on the more hilly South Island.但在多山的南島丘陵地區人們也會發現牧羊場。
48 . Some types of birds cannot fly.有些種類的鳥不會飛。
49 . New Zealand wine is of high quality and is sold all over the world.新西蘭的葡萄酒質量很高,銷往世界各地。
50 . By 1840 about 2,000 Europeans, mainly British, had come to settle in New Zealand and the Maori signed an agreement with these settlers.截止1840年已有約2,000名歐洲人,其中大部分是英國人,到新西蘭定居,毛利人與這些移居者簽訂了一個協議。