生活和商務 - 額外成就感(四)
1 . We propose a change.我們建議做一下改變。
2 . They are eager to learn English.他們急著要學英語。
3 . The minister has indicated that he may resign next year.該大臣已經示意他明年可能會辭職。
4 . A red sky at night indicates fine weather the following day.晚上天邊紅預示著明早天氣好。
5 . Do I have to remind you yet again?還需要我再次提醒你嗎?
6 . Please give me all the details.請你提供所有的詳細情況。
7 . She has not indicated how she proposes to react.她未表示打算做何回應。
8 . I reminded him to work hand.我提醒他要用功。
9 . No detail was overlooked.任何細節都沒有忽視。
10 . John proposed marriage to Helen.絢翰向淪論求婚。
11 . This song reminds me of France.我一聽到這首歌就想起了法國。