談新聞英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語談新聞對白,談新聞英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . You can listen to BBC or VOA news if you want to improve your listening.如果你想提高聽力,你可以聽英國廣播電台或美國之音的新聞節目。

2 . No news is good news as far as I'm concerned.我覺得沒有消息就是最好的消息。

3 . The news reporter said that an airplane has just crash landed.新聞播音員說一架飛機在著陸過程中墜毀了。

4 . We haven't had any more news from the frontier, so we'll just have to be patiend.我們還沒得到來自前方的進一步消息,所以我們只有耐心等待。

5 . He reads the headlines, news sections, amusemenu section, sports pages, editorials, and the business section.他讀頭條、新聞版、娛樂版、體育版、社會和經濟版。

6 . I have good news and bad news, which do you want to hear first?我有好消息和壞消息,你想先聽哪個?

7 . I heard through the grapevine that the minister is going to resign.我聽到小道消息,首相將辭職。

8 . The evening newspaper is cheaper than the morning paper.晚報比早報要便宜。

9 . It is said that another suicide bombing occurred in the country yesterday.據稱,昨天在這個國家又發生了一起自殺式炸彈事件。

10 . He watches the CCTV news at 7:00 P.M. everyday.他每晚 7 點都收看「中央電視台」的新聞聯播。

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瘋狂英語 900 句