拿手好戲 - 額外成就感(一)
1 . All is not gold that glitters.閃閃發光的不見得是金子。
2 . His career opportunities suddenly looked brighter.他似乎突然又有希望飛黃騰達了。
3 . Her ring glitters with a big diamond.她的戒指上的鑽石閃閃發光。
4 . I was not aware of the danger.我沒有意識到危險。
5 . He has a brilliant career before him.他的前途燦爛。
6 . Christmas falls on a Friday this year.今年的聖誕節是星期五。
7 . He always tries to impose his opinion on others.他總是想強迫別人接受他的意見。
8 . Paul is negotiating for a job worth $18000.保羅正在商談謀求一份年薪 18000美元的工作。
9 . The two warring countries refused to negotiate.這兩個交戰國拒絕談判。
10 . Night fell quickly.夜色很快降臨。