談工序英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語談工序對白,談工序英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . Write a screenplay, do a storyboard, and then shoot the film.先寫劇本串好情節,然後再開拍。

2 . Catching a fish is a lot more complicated than just throwing a worm in the water.釣魚可不是把魚餌拋進水裡那麼簡單。

3 . If you don't apply to the relevant department your passport will never be approved.如果你不向有關部門申請,你就得不到護照。

4 . Never pump gas with the engine running.發動機在運轉時,別加油。

5 . We have strict procedure around here and we expect all of our staff to follow it.我們這兒有非常嚴格的工作程序,希望全體員工遵守。

6 . You didn't put film in the camera, silly!笨蛋,攝影機裡沒有放膠卷。

7 . Turn the key before you pump the pedal, or you'll flood the engine.加水之前轉動鑰匙,要不發動機就給澆滅了。

8 . Don't forget to use primer first when you paint the house.刷房子之前別忘了刮底漆。

9 . Follow the recipe properly or it will never come out right.照著菜譜說的做,不然的話,味道就不對。

10 . You did a good job sewing this dress, I can see that you sewed the sections in the correct order.你這條裙子做得不錯,我看得出來你是按順序來做縫紉的。

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瘋狂英語 900 句