Unit 23 The find of the century英語對話,高三英語課文,英語Unit 23 The find of the century對白,Unit 23 The find of the century英文怎麽說



Unit 23 The find of the century用英語怎麽說


Unit 23 The find of the century

1 . I always carry matches with me at such times and I tore out the pages of the first chapter of the book I was reading to get the fire going.在這樣的時候我身上總是帶著火柴的,為了讓火堆燃下去,我從我正在看的那本書的第一章撕下幾頁。

2 . What languages did they speak?他們講什麼語言?

3 . We ate our sandwiches and a bar of chocolate each and began to feel better.我們倆都吃了三明治和一塊巧克力才感到舒服些了。

4 . The clouds had come down so suddenly we had no warning.烏雲突然出現,我們絲毫沒有覺察。

5 . There would be pictures in magazines and newspapers, showing crowds of peope with their cameras and noisy, excited talk.報紙和雜誌將刊登出圖片,報紙和雜誌將刊登出圖片,展示那些帶著照相機熙熙攘攘蜂湧而至的人群。

6 . At least we're safte here, I said.「起碼我們在這裡是安全的,」我說。

7 . It's very difficult to see where we're going and the shower may pass in an hour or two. Let's rest and have some food.「現在很難看到我們要去的地方。陣雨可能一兩個小時就會過去,我們休息一下吃點東西。」

8 . What clothes did they wear?他們穿什麼?

9 . Outside the rain had turned into a storm and lightning flashed over the hills.洞外,小雨已變成狂風暴雨,閃電劃過山崗。

10 . The lines of the animal had in fact been cut into the rock.事實上,動物的線條被刻進岩石裡。

11 . I don't think anyone knows about this. I said.「我想沒人知道這一情況,」我說。

12 . Fortunately we found some that was still dry and carried it back to the cave.幸好,我們找到了一些干木柴,並把木柴抱回巖洞。

13 . On one hand, I was anxious to leave.一方面,我急於離開山洞。

14 . We were so excited, my brother and I, that we did not get to sleep until very late.我們太激動,以至於我和我弟到很晚才睡得著。

15 . It follows the shape of the rock.它順著岩石的形狀。

16 . I think we should continue walking as long as we can see where we're going. I said.「我想只要我們能看見我們朝哪兒走,我們就要繼續走下去,」我說,

17 . How many people lived here?多少人住在這裡?

18 . I took a burning branch from the fire and went to examine the rock.我從火堆中拿起一根燃著的樹枝,走過去檢查那個岩石。

19 . Light the fire not so near the entrance that the wind will blow the fire out, and not so far in that the smoke will fill the cave, said my brother.「不要太靠近洞口點火,風會把火吹滅的;也不要太靠裡面,那樣煙會充滿山洞的,」我弟弟說,

20 . If we go downhill, we might find a stream, and if we follow the stream we should reach a farm, or a village or a bridge.「如果我們走下山,我們可能會發現一條小溪,如果我們沿著小溪走,我們會到達一個農場或一個村莊或是一座橋。」

21 . The flames threw light onto the ceiling of the cave.火焰照亮了山洞的頂部。

22 . You can see shapes on the rock. Do you see that bit?「你可以看見岩石上的形狀。你看見那一小塊了沒有?

23 . When did they leave this area?他們什麼時候離開這裡?

24 . Now I could see a smaller deer next to the one my brother had pointed to.現在我可以看見一隻更小的鹿,它緊挨著我弟弟指的那一隻。

25 . One moment we were walking along the top of a hill and now we could see no more than about thirty metres ahead of us.一時間我們還在山頂上行走,而現在30公尺開外的地方我們都看不清了。

26 . I think we're lost! What shall we do?「我想我們迷路了!我們該怎麼辦呢?」

27 . We succeeded in lighting the fire.我們成功地點著火。

28 . I was proud that we had come across something that was completely unknown and valuable and,讓我感到自豪的是,我們在無意中發現了不為世人所知的、有價值的東西,

29 . It was like stepping into a secret art museum, in which we were the only visitors.就像是走進入了一個秘密的藝術博物館,我們是館內唯一的遊客。

30 . It looks a bit like a deer. There's its head and there are its feet.它看起來有點像鹿,那是鹿頭,那是鹿腳。

31 . Another part of me wanted this moment to continue for ever.我還有另一個想法,就是希望此時能永遠持續下去。

32 . The sides of the deer were coloured with a reddish-brown paint.鹿的四周用一種淡棕帶紅的顏色勾勒。

33 . We've still got a little food and water and maybe by tomorrow morning the weather will have cleared up.我們還有一點食物和水,也許到明天早上,天就會晴了。」

34 . What were their names?他們叫什麼?

35 . We were in a better position than they were.我們的處境比他們要好。

36 . We spent some time looking around under the trees for some wood.我們花了些時間在樹下四周找木柴。

37 . I'm tired, said my younger brother as he climbed up to join me.「我累了,」我弟弟邊說邊爬上岩石和我匯合。

38 . I went further back into the cave and stopped still.我向前走拐進巖洞,停住不動。

39 . We had lost the path and had no hope of finding it again.我們找不到那條小路,而且也沒有希望再找到它了。

40 . We talked and wondered about the people who had lived here before.我們談論並且很好奇以前住在這裡的人們。

41 . It almost looks as if someone has drawn it.看起來好像這隻鹿是畫上去似的。」

42 . A fine rain began to fall on our heads and the temperature had dropped.一陣小雨落到我們頭上,氣溫開始下降了。

43 . How extraordinary! I said. I think someone has been carving animals.「多麼神奇啊!」我說,「我想有人一直在刻這些動物。」

44 . I could see a snake, a bear, a wolf, but no people.我還看見一條蛇、一隻熊、一隻狼,但沒有看見人。

45 . There were birds too, with the eyes carved out of the rock and painted white.還有一些鳥的眼睛是用石頭刻的,並被塗上白色。

46 . And don't set the hillside on fire either!「也不要把山坡弄著火了。」

47 . I guessed, extremely old.我猜測是極古老的東西。

48 . It was a Sunday in May. My brother and I had decided to go off for a long walk while we were staying with my grandparents in the French countryside.5月的一個星期天,我和弟弟決定去遠足。當時我們住在法國鄉下的祖父母家中。

49 . I went on walking, bending down because the roof of the cave was not very high.因為洞頂不是很高,我繼續彎著腰往前走。

50 . nor that the headline in the newspaper would be也沒有想到報紙的頭條是

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