瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . Be patient whit him, he's a child.耐心點,他還是個小孩。
2 . That naughty boy seems to tell his family too many lies.這個頑皮的小男孩似乎對家人說了很多謊。
3 . A generation raised on junk food could turn out mentally vulnerable.在零食中長大的一代人,注定精神脆弱。
4 . Medicine should be stored somewhere your kids can't reach it.藥物應擺放在孩子們夠不著的地方。
5 . It's dangerous to leave your children along while you go shopping.購物時,把你的孩子單獨留在家裡是挺危險的。
6 . The only-child generation brings about many new social problems.獨生子女一代帶來了許多新的社會問題。
7 . This small child is quite self-centered. Maybe he is spoiled by his family.這個小孩挺以自我為中心的,可能是被家人寵壞了。
8 . He grew up happily in a small village.他在小村莊裡快樂地長大。
9 . Nowadays many TV programs need parental guidance.現在許多電視節目需要在家長指導下觀看。
10 . This couple treats their adopted child as their own.這對夫婦把他們的養子視如己出。