Making a Difference(當仁不讓) ACT II英語對話,走遍美國,英語Making a Difference(當仁不讓) ACT II對白,Making a Difference(當仁不讓) ACT II英文怎麽說



Making a Difference(當仁不讓) ACT II用英語怎麽說


Making a Difference(當仁不讓) ACT II

1 . Hello, darling.哈嘍, 親愛的。

2 . Need another box?需要另一個箱子嗎?

3 . If you do, vote for me, Carter Boswell.假如你有同感 ,請投我一票 ,Carter Boswell。

4 . Can I speak with Mr. or Mrs. Burns?我可以跟Burns先生或太太通話嗎?

5 . A lot of people will agree with him.許多人會贊同他。

6 . Everyone saw the story in the Riverdale newspaper.每個人都已看到Riverdale報紙上的新聞。

7 . You can be, too.你也能做到。

8 . We finished addressing over three hundred envelopes.我們寫了三百多個信封地址了。

9 . Your ideas are good ones.你的想法很好。

10 . May I ... may I help?我能……我能幫上忙嗎?

11 . It helps enormously.這個幫助很大。

12 . Don't be upset by Boswell's commercial.不要為了Boswell的廣告而憂心。

13 . Too bad kids can't vote.可惜小孩不能投票。

14 . not music or dancing or entertainment.而不是音樂, 舞蹈或者娛樂。

15 . doing a commercial.正在做廣告。

16 . it's a good picture.那是一張好照片。

17 . Mrs. Greenberg is on the phone.Greenberg太太打電話來。

18 . I care about the practical things.我關心實用的事物。

19 . Everybody in Riverdale reads his paper.Riverdale的每個人都看他的報紙。

20 . I'm not sure I'm up to it.我不能肯定我是否能做得來。

21 . There are people in favor of the cultural programs, Mom.會有許多人讚成文化活動的, 媽媽。

22 . I'll give her your best wishes,我會轉告她你的祝福,

23 . Your photo in it helped, too.在報紙上的照片也有幫助。

24 . I told you.我告訴過你了。

25 . Boswell's a powerful speaker.Boswell是個有辯才的演說家。

26 . Good work, gang.做得很好 ,大夥兒們。

27 . And I lick the envelopes.那我就粘信封 。

28 . It's our school, but we can't vote.那是我們的學校 ,可是我們卻不能投票。

29 . Hey, everybody,嗨, 大家聽著,

30 . Mr. Maxwell was very kindMaxwell先生很好心

31 . Yes, Miss Kim, Ellen Stewart.是的, Kim小姐, 是Ellen Stewart。

32 . Looks good.看起來很好。

33 . Oh, see you at the polls.噢, 在投票所見。

34 . Wait till Philip comes home and sees our progress.等著瞧Philip回來看到我們進展時的反應吧

35 . ... and if you ask what I care about, I'll tell you.……假如你們問我關心什麼, 我可以告訴你們。

36 . in such a short amount of time.在這麼短的時間內。

37 . Right over here, Grandpa.請到這兒來 ,爺爺。

38 . I can't believe it!我簡直不敢相信!

39 . I care about the school buildings in need of paint.我關心學校的建築物需要粉刷。

40 . to print my announcement.刊登了我宣佈競選的消息。

41 . We stuff them.我們裝傳單。

42 . You have to go on television, too.也應該上電視。

43 . You fold the fliers.你來摺傳單。

44 . She says Carter Boswell is on the TV right now--她說Carter Boswell現在正在電視上呢

45 . Here are the fliers, hot off the press!傳單來了, 剛剛印出來的!

46 . I care about more lockers for the teachers.我關心教師要有更多的儲物櫃。

47 . my mother is running for the school board?我母親競選聯合校董會董事嗎?

48 . Can I speak with Mr. or Mrs. Anderson?我可以跟Anderson先生或太太說話嗎?

49 . Richard and I will put them into the envelopes.我和Richard把它們放進信封。

50 . We have done so much我們已做了這麼多的事

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