1 . What's the reason why you left your previous employer?你離開原來那個僱主的原因是什麼?
2 . I've been employed as a clerk in ABC Company since 1992.從1992年我就在ABC公司作職員。
3 . Management changed and we did not get along.經理換人,而我們又處不來。
4 . So, you were fired?如此,你是被炒魷魚了?
5 . And I am a hard worker when I have something challenging to do.並且在遇到挑戰性的工作時,我是個很努力的人。
6 . I would like to get a more specialized job.我想獲得一份更加專業化的工作。
7 . What made you change your job so frequently?為什麼你經常轉工?
8 . I plan to leave the present job in order to be able to get into the advertising business.我想離開目前的工作是為了進入廣告業務以尋求發展。
9 . Yes, they let me go. Because I did not agree with their business philosophy.是的,他們讓我走。因為我不同意他們的經營理念。
10 . I know about how business is done here.我認為這方面比較在行。
11 . Why are you leaving your present job?你為什麼要放棄目前的工作?
12 . Have you ever done any work in this field?你曾經幹過這一行嗎?
13 . Because the job was not challenging enough.因為那份工作挑戰性不夠。
14 . I liked the work. However, the firm is too small for me to widen my experience.我喜歡那份工作。但那家公司太小,難以增加我的經驗。
15 . What do you think about your qualifications?你認為你能勝任工作嗎?
16 . I am available as soon as possible.我隨時都可以上班。
17 . When would you be available to start work here?你什麼時候可以開始來這邊上班?
18 . Why do you plan to leave the present job?你為什麼打算離開現在的工作?
19 . Why were you out of work for so long?你為何這麼久沒有工作?
20 . Why do you want to leave your current employment?你為什麼希望離開目前的工作?
21 . Why do you want to resign your position as secretary?你為什麼想辭去秘書的職務?
22 . What made you decide to change job?是什麼使你決定更換工作?