1 . We'll open a letter of credit if you promise to effect shipment one month earlier.如果你方答應提前一個月交貨,我們就同意開信用證。
2 . Is cash all right?現金可以嗎?
3 . Sure, but never before have we had payment in RMB.當然可以,不過我們從來沒有用過人民幣付款。
4 . I'm afraid not. We don't generally accept a letter of credit.恐怕不行,我們一般不採用信用卡。
5 . What is your regular practice concerning the terms of payment?你們一般採用什麼付款方式?
6 . Now let's discuss the terms of payment.現在來討論付款條件。
7 . Then, how about 50% by L C and the rest by D P?那麼,50%用信用證支付,其餘用付款交單支付,怎麼樣?
8 . Is a letter of credit OK?用信用卡可以嗎?
9 . Do you mind if I pay in RMB?你們介意我付人民幣嗎?
10 . We prefer to have payment in US dollars. It may be difficult for us to do so.我們用美元付款。用人民幣支付可能有些困難。
11 . I'm sorry. For these large orders, we insist on payment by L C.對不起。對於這樣金額大的訂單,我們堅持用信用證支付。
12 . Is it all right if I use a letter of credit?如果我使用信用證,沒關係吧?
13 . We promise. Can we pay for our imports in RMB?我們答應。請問,我們能否用人民幣付款?
14 . But your L C must reach us 30 days before delivery.但交貨前30天,我們必須要收到你們的信用證。