文化經濟交流 - 額外成就感
1 . The battle was very historic.那場戰役在歷史上很重要。
2 . Notices are displayed on the bus asking people not to smoke.公共汽車上張貼著請勿吸煙的公告。
3 . They gave a banquet in honor of the delegation.他們設宴招待代表團。
4 . She grabbed the chance to travel abroad.她抓住機會到國外旅行。
5 . This spring is the origin of the brook.這泉水是那條小河的源頭。
6 . Nobody displayed any interest.沒人顯得感興趣。
7 . Some Japanese words are of Chinese origin.有些日本文字是起源於中文的。
8 . When did the Roman Empire come into being?羅馬帝國是什麼時候形成的?
9 . I arranged to give a party at my house in her honor.我在我家為她安排舉行了一個聚會。
10 . The man grabbed my bag and ran away.那男人搶了我的皮包就跑了。