1 . My qualifications and experience perfectly match what you are looking for.我具備的資格及經驗完全符合你們的需求。
2 . It just depends on a number of things.這得靠許多因素才能決定。
3 . What are you looking for in your next job?你希望在你的下一份工作內得到什麼?
4 . What ideas do you have if we employ you?如果我們錄用你,你有什麼想法?
5 . I have spent the last five years working specifically in this field.過去五年我專門在這個領域裡工作。
6 . No, I think I am an excellent match for this job.不,我認為我恰好適合這個職位。
7 . I think it will be a mutually beneficial relationship.我認為那將是對雙方都有利的關係。
8 . What makes you think you are qualified for this position?是什麼使你認為你有資格做這個職位?
9 . I have no definite ideas in that area right now.在這方面目前我還沒有具體的想法。
10 . What is your career objective?你的事業目標是什麼?
11 . Do you think you are over-qualified, then?那你認為你資歷過高了?
12 . What would you like to be doing two years from now?兩年後你希望自己在做什麼?
13 . How long do you plan to stay with this company, if hired?如果被僱傭,你打算在這家公司呆多久?
14 . I speak fairly good English and I enjoy meeting different kinds of people.我的英語講得很流利,而且我喜歡接觸不同的人。