句子就是一切 - 額外成就感(二)
1 . He had visions of success and fame.他夢想功成名就。
2 . It was so beautiful it took my breath away.它美得使我目瞪口呆。
3 . We were waiting for a sight of the Queen.我們正等著一睹女王的風采。
4 . He ate it in no time.他一下子把它吃掉了。
5 . We have not agreed on the price yet.我們對於價格的意見尚未一致。
6 . I'd like your professional advice.我想要聽聽你專業方面的意見。
7 . She couldn't bear the sight of the mean man.她連看那個卑鄙的男人一眼都不願意。
8 . We have a vision of the future.我們對未來有一番憧憬。
9 . Life is full of ups and downs.人生沉浮多。
10 . I'm feeling rather blue.我覺得有些沮喪。
11 . Doctors and lawyers are professional people.醫生和律師是專業人員。
12 . He did it in no time.他馬上把那事給做了。
13 . What's the point of feeling blue?有什麼好悲傷的?