





1 . What a bargain! Thanks for helping me with this shopping.真是太划算了!謝謝你帶我買這些東西。

2 . My wife will love this jade necklace.我太太一定會非常喜歡這條鑲玉的項鏈。

3 . How many do you want? I can probably get the owner to bring down the price.你要幾隻?我大概可以找店主殺價!

4 . The selection here is very large, it may be difficult to choose.這裡有很多式樣可以選,可能很難決定。

5 . Here you are. Four beautiful fake Rolexes for 1200 yuan.來,4只漂亮的勞力士才花了1200元。

6 . Ha! Ha! But not real Rolexes. They look the same.哈!哈!但不是真的勞力士,看起來跟真的一樣。

7 . Here, take a look at these Rolexes.來看這幾隻勞力士吧!

8 . A watch! I've got just the place for watches! Let's go.手錶!我正好知道有家賣表的。走吧!

9 . Yes. Those are excellent gifts. Who else do you need to buy for?當然,這是都是最佳禮物。你還需要買給誰?

10 . I think something he can use is the best. A watch or something.最好是實用的,像手錶啦或什麼的。

11 . What kind of things are you looking for?你想要買什麼樣的東西?

12 . You have to expect the unexpected in Shanghai.在上海,你總會有意想不到的收穫。

13 . I know a great place for-我知道一個好地方干-

14 . My boss and some friends at the office.我老闆和辦公室的同事。

15 . Rolexes! Are you joking? That's far outside my price range!勞力士?!別開玩笑了!那可遠超過我的預算了。

16 . It's easy to pick something for my colleagues, but it's difficult for my boss.給同事們的應該不難買,但是給老闆的就難羅。

17 . Do you need anything particularly?是不是買一些別的東西?

18 . I'm sure everyone will be very happy with these gifts.相信他們一定會喜歡這些禮物的。

19 . No problem. I'm glad to help.小事情,我很高興這樣做。

20 . I know a good spot for-我知道一個好地點干-

21 . Yeah, just like I certainly did not expect to buy these gifts at such low prices.是啊,我怎麼也沒想到買這些禮物才花了這麼點錢。

22 . Maybe not. These are 350 yuan each.不見得哦!這些表每隻350元。

23 . And these coral earrings for my daughter are so pretty.還有給我女兒的珊瑚耳環也非常漂亮。

24 . Okay, hold on a second. I'll talk to him.好的,我跟他說,你等一下。

25 . 350 yuan? Are they real?350元?是真表嗎?

26 . My friends will get a big kick out of getting these.送勞力士,我同事准樂死了!

27 . They're real watches. They tell you the time, don't they?當然是"真的表"羅。會走也會報時,不是嗎?

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