1 . That fat kid must be hooked on sweets.那個胖男孩兒是個糖罐子。
2 . I'm dependent on caffeine.我對咖啡因上癮。
3 . People shouldn't do drugs. They're too addictive.人們不應吸毒,太容易上癮了。
4 . Too many people take drugs to get high.好多人吸毒是為了得到一種快感。
5 . Anybody who drinks too much can be called a boozer.喝酒太多的人叫酒鬼。
6 . I can't wake up in the morning without a cigarette or cup of coffee.早上不抽根雪茄或喝杯咖啡我就醒不了。
7 . He's hooked on cocaine.他吸咖啡因上癮。
8 . You drink too much. I think you're hooked on alcohol.你喝得太多了。你是不是喝酒上癮了?
9 . My friend's a chain smoker.我的朋友煙癮很重。