





1 . You've really been keeping an eye on quality.你們的確在質量上下了功夫!

2 . Could you give me more details about your company?能否給我些貴公司更詳細的資料?

3 . I see. Well, it's very nice to meet you, Mr. Wrigley.哦!我也很高興認識您,威格萊先生。

4 . I'm in Shanghai looking for possible suppliers.我此次來上海是想尋找可能合作的供應商。

5 . These documents will give you some idea of our background.這些資料會給您提供一些參考。

6 . We want to keep customers happy.我們必須讓顧客滿意。

7 . Active Sports is getting a solid reputation for having top of the line products.Active Sports的產品質量上乘,而且取得了很好的聲譽。

8 . Thanks very much. I'll read these.非常感謝。我會看一下的。

9 . How has your visit to Shanghai been so far?目前你對上海的印象如何?有何收穫?

10 . Sure. We've been in business about five years now.當然。我們創業至今有五年的歷史。

11 . Fine, Mr. Wrigley.好的,威格雷先生。

12 . And then branched out into other sports products.然後逐漸擴展出其他的運動產品。

13 . Here are a few magazine articles complimenting our products.這是些稱讚我們產品的雜誌文章。

14 . Nets for tennis and badminton and so on.有網球和羽毛球用的網等等。

15 . Are you looking for anything in particular?您特別需要某項產品嗎?

16 . We started by making safety equipment for many sports.我們是以做運動產品的安全器材起家的。

17 . What are some of the other sports products you're making?你們現在還生產哪些運動產品?

18 . Let me describe to you more detail.讓我來向你做更詳細的講述。

19 . Let me give you this information to look over.那麼讓我給你些詳細資料做參考。

20 . Could you tell me a little about your background?能否請您簡短地談一下貴公司的背景?

21 . Here are our catalogues, brochures, price lists.這兒有目錄、小冊子、價格表。

22 . We're particularly interested in your line of rackets.我們對貴公司的球拍系列特別感興趣。

23 . I must say the products in Shanghai have improved very much in the past ten years.我得承認上海的產品這十年來進步了很多。

24 . I'm happy to have this chance to meet with you. Mr. Howard Yang.楊先生,非常高興能有機會認識你。

25 . Yes. At our company, quality control si very important.是的。在我們公司,質量管理非常重要。

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