1 . The price of the car was so low that it made Stone suspicious of the value.這輛車的價格如此之低,世通懷疑那車的價值。
2 . Cindy's sister will arrive in eight days.辛迪的姐姐八天後將到。
3 . If only our team had scored one more point.要是我們隊再多得一分就好了。
4 . Wouldn't I love to be in North Carolina right now!我現在多麼想在北卡羅來納洲啊!
5 . Following the dinner will be addresed by the candidate.晚飯後將由候選人作演講。
6 . Mike found it difficult to adjust at first, but he's used to studying at Harvard now.剛開始邁克發現很難適應在哈佛的學習,但現在他已經習慣了。
7 . Cindy's sister will be staying with her for a week.辛迪的姐姐將要陪她一個星期。
8 . Cindy's sister is coming to stay with her a week from tomorrow.辛迪的妹妹從明天起一個星期以後將過來和她住在一起。