瀟灑英語演講 - 會議開幕講話
1 . So I appreciate your making time in your schedules to attend today.因此非常感謝你們今天能夠抽出時間來參加這次會議。
2 . You are all skilled and successful salesmen as shown by your records in the field.從你們在這一領域的業績來看,你們所有人都是訓練有素,事業有成的推銷員。
3 . And the problems that some of us have had in the past year.和去年我們一些人遇到的問題。
4 . This company is growing by leaps and bounds, and the way to keep growing.這個公司正在迅速發展,保持成長。
5 . He will speak about the sales projections for the coming year.他將談談未來一年的銷售計劃。
6 . There are 16 participants here today.今天有16位參會者。
7 . And our successful techniques, and to speak about our failures.和成功技巧,並講出我們的失敗之處。
8 . I want to welcome you all here for the fourth annual meeting of our Asian sales staff.歡迎所有來參加我們亞洲推銷員第四屆年會的代表。
9 . After Mr. Lee's remarks, the meeting will be opened for comments and discussion from the rest of you.李先生發言完畢後,會議將由大家進行自由評論和討論。
10 . Now, shall we begin?現在,我們開始吧。
11 . We hope that you will earnestly take part in this meeting.我們希望你們認真地參與本次會議。
12 . After the meeting, we will all adjourn to the Rose Room of this hotel for a buffet dinner.會後,我們將轉到酒店的玫瑰餐廳吃頓自助餐。
13 . I know you are all busy.我知道大家都很忙
14 . First, Mr. Stone Lee, our sales manager, will make a few remarks.首先,請我們銷售經理世通先生發表講話。
15 . And to stay ahead of the competition is to openly and freely exchange our opinions.處於競爭領先地位的方法就是公開、自由交換我們的想法