談教育英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語談教育對白,談教育英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . I'm a student of the world; in other words I flunked out of high school.我是社會學生,換句話說,我高中後就輟學了。

2 . I am studying two majors, and it's quite a burden on my time.我有兩門主修課,這佔據了我很大一部分時間。

3 . So tell me about your educational history.請告訴我你的教育經歷。

4 . Attending school is compulsory in this country.這國家衽的是義務教育。

5 . Your real education doesn't start until you get out into the real world.直到你踏入現實社會,你才真正開始學習。

6 . Studying is a big boring, but it sure beats the unemployment queues.學習是有點枯燥,但比起失業來好多了。

7 . I have been learning English for three years now.我學英語有3年了。

8 . Don't waste your school years, son, they can determine your future.孩子,別荒廢你的學業,它們對你的未來有決定作用。

9 . Which university do you attend?你在哪所大學讀書?

10 . I see you are qualified, and have a piece of paper to prove it, but how you perform is the only thing this company is interested in.我知道你能勝任並有學歷證書,但這間公司更注重是的你的工作能力。

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瘋狂英語 900 句